We had too much fun and relaxed too much as well, so that I forgot to keep posting our pics from our Florida Keys Trip. Yep. Mea culpa! :o}
FL Keys deer

Yes! It hurts here too... auch!
Coast Guard ship by Fort Zachary Taylor in Key West
You can visit it, but... today was closed. :(

Fort Zachary main wall
(still wondering if they had alligators in there, back then)

Chris, and his balls ;o)
Still figuring out how they can HANDmake a vodka... hmmm....

This one's for "The Other Ratzlaff's in Mayer"
Ratz's new boat
And Tsunamy's new toy :)
Via Carducci in Trieste???
Just another street in Key West, FL
Chris "training" for our Everglades trip
Sunset from Mallory Square in Key West
Under a banyan tree

Too many tourists...
couldn't take a good pic, but it says 90 miles to Cuba!
We're closer here to Cuba then when we're in Vail going to Denver!!!

A "real" pirate at the Shipwreck Museum in Key West.
If you haven't yet been there, it's worth seeing it!
And same with the local Acquarium: it's wonderfull!!!
Honey & Bunny on top of the shipwreck tower
(you chose who's who)
Key West panorama from top of shipwreck tower

More panorama from the shipwreck tower
(notice the happy tourist, enjoying himself while lying "in the field")
Thinking of Matt & Jo
and wondering... is this true?!?
This one is for Gabry.
Can't remember when was the last time I drank one,
but it felt sooo gooood in this heat!!! :)

And this is a typical Key West tip for... well... Everybody!!!

Going to a new place today:
Chris is on the hunt already... before being hunted!
Still guessing where are we heading today?
We're visiting the Everglades National Park.
One more stamp on my "National Park's Passport" - yesss!!! :)
We really enjoyed it with the different birds...
An Anhinga drying its wings after a swim
And bugs and mosquitos (well, the latest two not as much) and...
the "local Park's keepers"...
the 'gators
Is this bridge sturdy enough?!?

And Chris thought I was being a pussy and that I was just making fun of him by
telling him NOT to park close to the vultures!!!
We still have a question: were they ever able to fine somebody who harassed the alligators?
Having fun on the boat trip with the Rangers
Is it Halloween already???
Training for the Koko ride while on one of the local "passes"
Chris didn't want to share his smoothie with this cute gotie

A rainbow eucalyptus
Yes. It's real/natural and not man-colored.
(It depends how the bark shed from the trunk, at different times.)
More blooming trees on the way to the airport

Bye - bye FL Highway!!!
And welcome back home... brrrr!!!
Chris checking the snow on Vail Pass
Our friends told us they had enough of the bad weather;
some of them went still skiing up to A-Basin with great Winter conditions.