We started off the day with Sarah's sled acting a little weird. It was stalling out. Therefore, she and I switched sleds and I drove hers for a bit to find out what was wrong. Therefore, she drove my sled straight off the road about 50 yards later. (She hit a couple of big bumps) It went over the edge, rolled 3 times down a steep embankment and came to rest against a couple of trees. Luckily, we had our Engineer (Tom) with. He raced back to town and grabbed big ropes and two pulleys. We hooked it up to a nearby parked groomer and yanked it out. We had planned to have 5 guys and Sarah pull it out but of course, Simone (the Italian Chef) and his friend Juan disappeared when it was time to pull. It didn't matter. We only needed a few to pull with all the pulleys involved.

Sarah, checking on the machine. Thanks goodness for the trees. They stopped the snowmobile from rolling further.

Chris checking on the damage.
Video of the problem

100 feet of rope
Celebration, with some of us in disbelief that we pulled it up. It was steeper than it looks.

After it was all done. Packing away the rope.

Later that day

More videos

Adam Baker is in there somewhere...

Deep snow, Tom in the background

Until next time
1 comment:
Ufff... Boy, I think I told you not to borrow technical things to my sister... :P Just kidding... You must really thank those trees down there.
And Simone... he's Italian... as maybe you know, Italians can smell labour miles away and can disappear the right moment... :D Kidding again...
Luckily it seems that you had some pretty time nevertheless. I hope your sled isn't too damaged.
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