This year Sarah celebrated her birthday, together with her "twin" Iva... they're born on the same day, but not the same year. He-he! So, a group of Americans mixed with Euros and South Americans went to the top of the mountain... to Eagle's Nest for some FUN TUBING!
Check out the pics and you'll see for yourselves.

Waiting for few more people by the fireplace.

Chris on the first ride up.

Iva, the other Birthday Girl :)
...celebrating her first ride up.

The Two Slednecks keep horsing around after tubing.
(they must be in with-drawl...)

Having fun during the ride down the gondola.

Waiting for the good Blue Moose's pizza!

More hungry friends...

Hey! Finally, Tsunamy on the pic too! ;o)

Posing for the cameras before leaving... #1

Posing for the cameras... #2
(...the girls had quite some fun, while the guys were taking pics)
Thank you Everybody for coming to celebrate our birthdays! We really appreciated all of you!!!
Sarah & Iva :)
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