We were already here 3 years ago in September, but... Chris' mom sent us some pictures of when the three siblings were little and they went over there on a family trip and played... with the river.
So. We had to try it too and decided to get there now in June... since the Vail weather has been lately pretty crappy... we're gonna start growing gilts and becoming amphibians, if it's gonna continue like this. And the Summer Monsoons haven't yet started!!! Ouch!!!

(they cut our feet - again!)

Where did all these people come from???!!!???
We just went on a hike and now...!!!

Zapata Falls!!!
But... where's the fall???

We had to wade through the water to the falls...
(you can imagine how "warm" the water was from everybody being up on rocks!)

...worth freezing our feet off!!!
But: been there - done that-seen that
we don't need to go back without some booties!!!
And after sooo much sand,
we went to visit a tipical... well...
Redneck Place!

from all around the world and
of any colors you can imagine

That's right!
[ look at my brave hubby's face ;o) ]

they just have them to clean up the dead tilapias.
They started a tilapia fish farm years ago and were wondering what to do with the dead fish. Somebody came up with the idea of the alligators.
At the beginning they were laughed at.
You know. Alligators in Colorado!
But they were lucky in their silliness and got an alligator farm
thanks also to a year-round warm spring that keeps them around 80F also in the snow.
Well. I know two things for sure:
#1 I won't eat tilapia fish anymore, after seeing this farm;
#2 they're not very business prone... you can make sooo many cool things!

ok-ok, I'm just joking
don't call PETA on me
it was already enough that my out-law up in MN
had to deal with them.
He-he! ;o)

Dado! Remember the little turtles we had home as kids?
Here they were big as tricycle wheel! Not kidding!


After this sight-seeing,
we actually wanted to go see also the "U.F.O." place, but we agreed that
one Redneck place at the time is more than enough.
Next time we'll go over there too and let you know about it.
Stay tuned for some more movies of this trip.
Right now... gotta go!
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