We started the holiday with a little hike out in East Vail, then I went to pick-up the snowmobile trailer and test out Sarah's sled for her (it works great) and then we saw some fire works over at Golden Peak. Then we had a little party over at our house for New Year's Eve. Todd and Mariela Moyer stopped on by, Nate and Iva, Patrick and Cindy. Great time. Chinese food, then Steel Moyer made Chocolate chip cookies for us. Next we listened to 80s music and somehow, somewhere the subject of video games came up. So Chris pulled out the ATARI GAME. We weren't sure if it would work after all these years and after some wire splicing by Todd, we were off to playing space invaders and frogger on the new flatscreen technology TV.

Nate, Iva, Patrick, Todd, Cindy

The cook

Steel Moyer making cookies

Playing a little Pac man

Drunk house guest
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