After having a nice dinner on Tuesday, where Chris was the only Yankee at the table... well... the only "
born Yankee" at the table... I keep forgetting I'm part of the Stars & Stripes now too!!! :)

(From left: Tsunamy, Krizsta, Gerda, Herbert & Ratz)
Wednesday morning, Chris was in minority again:
we had a mostly
Euros' sledding trip to the Flat Tops.

We asked our Austrian friends where they'd like to go and they said right away that "Flat" Tops sounded very good to them, since it was their first time on the sleds.
They didn't really know what they were getting into anyway, wherever we were going to take them... ops!
I think my dad was correct in feeling bad for them... he said... "Poor guys, they don't know what they're agreeing to!"
Explanation: The Flat Tops aren't THAT flat and Herbert got a taste of it almost right away... I don't have a pic of it, but the very first time we got off the trail, his "beast" got rid off her rider/Herbert and he landed in the snow. Luckily, VERY soft snow.
I got a taste of it as well by just doing what I do the best: getting stuck.
No pic here either, sorry Dale! You can't laugh, at least not this time! ;)
So, when I got back to where Herbert and Krizsta were taking a break while waiting for Chris and I getting unstuck on the other side of the field... Herbert thanked me. He said: "Thank you Sarah for getting stuck yourself too. Now I'm not feeling THAT bad anymore!"
[He-he! He doesn't know how MANY times I can get stuck. He should ask my sledneck-buddies. They'd fill him right away, right guys?!? ]
Anyway: Herbert and I both agreed that it was ALL FAULT of the flat light! (Which was true!)

Herbert and Krizsta taking a break

Chris thinks he'll grow taller by
"planting" himself in the pow-pow.

The guys went hunting and got... an ELK!!!
(Note for Dale: you can tell your Dear Peta Lovers' - they did NOT kill it with MY sled!!!)

Herbert taking a break while watching Ratz having fun with my sled.

Ratz having fun with
my sled, AGAIN!

Herbert taking a break on... wait! ...
That's MY sled - again!What's up with the guys on the Cool-Italian-Chick's Sled?!? ;)

Chris having fun with his M7

Ratz showing off
(he's lucky to have such a great paparazza-wife!)

The paparazza was chasing Krizsta and Chris,
but she was driving too fast and
the paparazza's hand was freezing up trying to get a closer pic!

Herbert cruising at high speed close by the paparazza
(did he take lessons from Simone?),
while she was trying to get her hand-schuhe (a.k.a.: glove) on.

The usual "must take a pic place" at the end of the day!

Krizsta enjoying the view

Chris getting on his sled.
No wait!
That's not HIS sled - that's
Don't ya worry Adam!We cuddled your baby a little bit for you too. :)

Few more sweet words to her from your buddy Ratz and...

we had to leave it up there to meditate
in the elk and other wildlife's company.
She said she's missing YA & waiting for YA, Adam!!!