Wednesday morning, Chris was in minority again:
we had a mostly Euros' sledding trip to the Flat Tops.

They didn't really know what they were getting into anyway, wherever we were going to take them... ops!
I think my dad was correct in feeling bad for them... he said... "Poor guys, they don't know what they're agreeing to!"
Explanation: The Flat Tops aren't THAT flat and Herbert got a taste of it almost right away... I don't have a pic of it, but the very first time we got off the trail, his "beast" got rid off her rider/Herbert and he landed in the snow. Luckily, VERY soft snow.
I got a taste of it as well by just doing what I do the best: getting stuck.
No pic here either, sorry Dale! You can't laugh, at least not this time! ;)
So, when I got back to where Herbert and Krizsta were taking a break while waiting for Chris and I getting unstuck on the other side of the field... Herbert thanked me. He said: "Thank you Sarah for getting stuck yourself too. Now I'm not feeling THAT bad anymore!"
[He-he! He doesn't know how MANY times I can get stuck. He should ask my sledneck-buddies. They'd fill him right away, right guys?!? ]
Anyway: Herbert and I both agreed that it was ALL FAULT of the flat light! (Which was true!)

"planting" himself in the pow-pow.

(Note for Dale: you can tell your Dear Peta Lovers' - they did NOT kill it with MY sled!!!)

That's MY sled - again!
What's up with the guys on the Cool-Italian-Chick's Sled?!? ;)

(he's lucky to have such a great paparazza-wife!)

but she was driving too fast and
the paparazza's hand was freezing up trying to get a closer pic!

(did he take lessons from Simone?),
while she was trying to get her hand-schuhe (a.k.a.: glove) on.

No wait!
That's not HIS sled - that's ADAM's!!!

We cuddled your baby a little bit for you too. :)

in the elk and other wildlife's company.
She said she's missing YA & waiting for YA, Adam!!!
1 comment:
What's going on with Adam's sled?
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