Our Minnesooooootan Trip #3
Although Chris wasn't interested in going to MN for the Family Reunion / Graduation Party... well... you know him! You can't get him to leave the Coloradian mountains. I was barely able to make him go to the ocean - the first time 5 years ago - and now you can't make him get out of the water! He'd just like to snorkel the whole darn day!
So. Although he said we weren't going, it took just one phone call from Michelle on New Year's Eve to make him change his mind. I still don't know what she told him, but I'll be always grateful to her, since we both had really great time back home!!! :o)
Here are some pictures of that visit:

for Chris...
this is his first ticket EVER!!!
He was sooo upset, that he made me laugh A LOT!!!
I know.
I'm terrible :o>

Ah, no!
Ben & Chris played right away with the Twins.
I guess they were missing their own old toys as well!

The Ratz Clan

when he doesn't want to :o)

(they said that the guy in green is "mature" enough to move to College. I have just one question... isn't green the color of a ripe fruit???)

like taking pictures!

with the Little Earthquake
(...watch out Justin! You're playing with the fire here!)

who doesn't cut our legs!!!
(Where are the bodies?!?)

a serious pic of the Ratzs from Vail
for my Family & Friends as well

what the Big Brother does, right???

(scary for the Twins... go figure :p )

(Yep! I suck. But I was the official photographer!)

(I guess these 2 pics will get me hard time with Matt & Jo. Oh-Oh!)
Strolling in Waconia...

(this is barely just 1/2 of it!)

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