We've been here already a whole week and we have one more to go - oh, yesss!!!
This year the Boss decided for the island of Hawaii (a.k.a.: formerly named Big Island) and the His Boss just... LOVES IT!!! :>

I wonder if he got the briefing that
we're not going to Europe... this time.
Day 1 - flew in on May 7th to the Kona airport via Phoenix and - unbelievably! - all the flights were on time and we were able to be on the beach and swim already that first day. Yeee-haaaawww!!!
Day 2 - Chris started being ansy in the morning - we had to go to the beach ASAP. I thought he was afraid that they would take it away from us... So. We had breakfast on our lanai with ocean view and then went to the ocean. We found this beautiful beach and had great time, saw many different corrals, many - but many! - fishes and... got burnt, although we used A LOT of sunscreen. Well. You know. We're mountain goats now... so... we're pretty whitey! :o}
Day 3 - Chris started with... sleeping in. He can't stand up to the power of the sea & sun. He-he. He just doesn't hold it. So I had to wait & wait, but it was good to have some time on my own, while having breakfast on our lanai with ocean view. Nothing can beat this!
Day 4 - Chris slept in - again! Sarah is getting ansy... so, I decided to do some yoga on the lanai with ocean view. Awesome! And it worked too. No more ansy. Kinda. But we got again another great beach with many-many fishes. I just kept thinking of my "orata on the grill"... yum!!! Too bad you can't really eat this fish. They told us its food is coral so isn't that good. But then. I wonder why the heck the old Hawaiians were throwing nets and spearing them and getting them on their hooks, if they weren't as good?!? Mah!
Day 5 - Chris is sleeping. Sarah's doing yoga and reading a book and making breakfast and... Oh! He got up: gotta go to the beach! NOW!
Day 6 - Guess what Chris is doing? Sarah is... finally sleeping in too. He-he!
Day 7 - Chris is... busting Sarah's butt to go to a Time Share Demonstration (aaarrrghhh!!!) to get free breakfast and big discounts for the islands' activities, but... he still didn't get it that Sarah does give a daM about time-shares while on vacation(!!!). Well. Tom and the Priest and the Judge told us "together in good and bad... till death do us apart", so I went and... well... I was pretty close to kill smby today, while we were stuck with these guys for 2 hrs of our vacation time with beautiful sunny weater outside! And Chris kept asking questions both from politness (you know, we're in the same business type of thought) and plain interest / curiosity (you know, we're in the same type of business kind of thoughts), while Sarah.... goush!!! .... there's sun outside and your uncle & aunt already told you not to do smth as silly as they've already tried!!! I really don't get it!!!
Day 8 - After Sarah's many pleads, Chris finally went to bed early and rised early too. So, by 10.45 am we were already paddling in the rented kayak towards Captain Cook's Monument in Kealakekua Bay. Gorgeous day, beautiful area, great sun and awesome coral & fishes. We've also met a very nice couple from NY. She's from Argentina and he's French. So we hang out with them a little bit too. Now. How were we going to end up our Anniversary's Day? Yep today is 4 years that I'm putting up with Ratz. Thanks. Thanks for understanding. (He-he-he!). Well...
We went to the Luau. Chris finally agreed to take me to a luau, but not before... going to that dreadful meeting during our VACATION TIME(!), to get a super-duper-discount to go this kind of event. And think... he wouldn't even go down to Denver for a bike ride, if there was still some kind of snow up in Vail! Goush!!!
Well. In good and in bad: I went to the mtng, he came to the luau and we both agree that... it was good to go to the mtng, since the food wasn't really good and it was good to go to the luau, since the entertainment was really good. So we were both happy and Chris wrote off the luau from his bucket list. Ha-ha-ha!
Now you know why Tsunamy wanted to go to the Luau :)
Day 9 - Chris AND Sarah slept in. We were both pooped. Once up we went - very slowly - to the beach on the Mahai'ula Bay. This was the first beach that Chris was (finally) relaxing on the beach, since neither fishes, nor coral weren't good. So he read more than 1/2 of his Dan Brown book and made Sarah pretty happy to finally see him slow down, until... he started complaining that he hasn't been studying any Italian today. Goush! Can't you relax and not keep beating yourself up like that?!? You've been doing soo good with Italian, you've studied it every day and... soon you'll know more than I do. Man! RelaXXX! You'll study more tomorrow. Aufff!

Finally one empty beach - the dream came true.
The only down side... there were airplanes flying over our heads every once in a while.
Day 10 - that's today. I got up early and Chris slept in. Now he's watching TV, while I'm writing you these silly things. We'll see what our planner decides to do today. Keep reading. Ciao!
1 comment:
Looking good, guys! Have a Mai Tai for me.
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