Now it is time to get POLITICAL.....Hey, later in the day Sarah clued me in on this story. A Tucson hospital is selling Birth packages to Foreign Nationals. Basically saying to come on over and have the baby here and instant citizenship for the baby! Anchor baby. Aren't you glad you spent all that money on getting your citizenship Sarah ?
Here is the link
Another from the Arizona Daily Star
Here is my favorite topic. Illegal immigrants going on helicopter rides. We sure are mean and nasty here in America. You can step into this country without a nickle, then you get yourself messed up, and WHAM, excellent intensive care and helicopter ride thrown in. (Do they even bother sending them a bill?) Yeah right. You gotta laugh when people say 40 million in this country don't have access to health care. Complete nonesense. In 15 minutes of search on "illegal immigrant and helicopter and hospital" I came up with these just recent stories.
Aug 23, 2009
July 29, 2009
July 20, 2009 a
July 20, 2009 b
July 20, 2009 c
July 19th, towards end of article
Aug 23, 2009
July 29, 2009
July 20, 2009 a
July 20, 2009 b
July 20, 2009 c
July 19th, towards end of article
July 1, 2009
Can you imagine how many of these things happen in a year? I'd get you more links, but hey, I gotta get to work so I can buy someone a helicopter ride. Do your own search.
Can you imagine how many of these things happen in a year? I'd get you more links, but hey, I gotta get to work so I can buy someone a helicopter ride. Do your own search.