December 18, 2012

Latest news from Indy :)

  Biggest news of all:
And I loved it!!!

 As I love going out for my morning walks with my dad before he goes to work,
so we go pick up the newspaper.

 I also enjoy getting out with Zandra, my chariot buddy...
well... when she's not screaming.
I wonder if all the girls are this way.

 But then...
what's the big deal if she screams,
since after just a few yards we're both asleep.
It's sooo cozy in here!!!
Cindy nicknamed the chariot our
Kids' Terrarium.
It's really true!!!
Hi! Pssst!
Don't say anything... 
she's still sleeping, while I'm peeping out from under the blankies!!!
I love when she's such a cute-pie and can't wait to be able to play with her.
So far mom keeps telling me to be gentle every time I'd like to pat her.
I'm not yet sure why: I know she's sweet, but...
is she really made of sugar that would crumble???

Oh! My mom & I saw this cool truck on one of our walks and...
although I'm not allowed to play with it,
it still reminded us of Uncle Ben.
Btw: when are you coming to visit me???
Hope to see you and Aunt Michelle very soon!!! :)

Few more pictures of my goofy life with my goofy parents:
 Trying to get in the box with my toys...
since I'm still crawling only backwards
it's the only way I have to get to my toys.  ;o)

 Enjoying my play mat from a cool sitting view:
I've been sitting properly since my 5th month's-birth-day!!!
And I'm very proud of myself!!!

 Mommy tricked me here.
I admit it.
I didn't like to eat apples, but then this day...
my teeth were hurting sooo much that she gave me this
colorful and icy snow cone on which I jumped on like a hawk.
And ate it all.
And I didn't even peep about the apples in it.
I admit: she was really good with this one!

 Having fun "driving" mommy's car: our beloved Focusina!

 Trying out the cool backpack that Aunt Beth passed to us: thanXXX!
Can't wait to use it for hiking this coming Summer!!!

 Playing in my bed

 Playing in the box, while helping mom at work

 Finally enjoying the snow on a hike...
until I fell asleep.

1st time drinking water from my sippy cup

1st time brushing my teeth:
I was waiting for mom to put me to bed, so I just started copying what she was doing...
and then she stopped doing it, because she was laughing so hard.
I don't know what she was laughing about though! Mah!
Goofy moomy!!!

1st time cross-country skiing with my parents
Mom said that I'm a very good personal trainer,
since every time they stopped, I'd complain.
And I'd be quiet, if they kept going.
Well. Shouldn't you be happier if you'd kept moving???!!!???!!!

 We also went to Beaver Creek to watch the Birds of Preys races and saw these great birds too!!!

Btw: this golden eagle looks sooo big, but it weighs only 7 lbs - I'm much bigger then her!!!
(Yes. She was a female. The males are much smaller. Mom was very proud of her!)

 And Italian athletes

 And Italian trainers
We've also met Simone's friend Christian (Ghedina!)

Oh, yeah!
Guess what Team I was cheering for!!!

And same with mom & dad... well... dad HAD to join!
Between us two and the "Valbruna Crew", we outnumbered him very quickly!!!  ;o)

 Opsie! You got me!
Yep. I couldn't do it otherwise:
after lunch, I fell asleep...
despite the roaring cheers for the Italians and American athletes.
Oh, well.
They told me afterwards how it went.

And now it's Christmas time:
I'm having fun dancing with mom & dad to... yes!
Country Christmas tunes!

 Taking pictures with my BeenieBabies
And my helmet
(I'm 6 months here!)

 Going around town with mom & dad:
here we were at the Winter Market here in town
 Dad dreaming of becoming an alpaca herder
(they're sooo soft!!! Just like my stuffed animals!!!)

 Warming up by the fire at the Eagle River Inn
(they had an open house: it's beautiful!!!)

 "Are you looking at ME?!?!"
It looks like this alpaca really loved ME!

Daddy making ssshhhmoresss!!!

 Oh! And we met also these sweet couple:
I've already told him what I'm wishing for!

And... ooopsie!... mommy caught me this morning checking out my gifts.
 But! No! I'm not doing anything!

 Oh! Mooom!
You're still there???
I promised you: I'm not going to open anything up!

 I'm just chewing them...

 This one was delicious!

 What do you mean with "It's Lilly's gift!"???!!!???
That's not mine???

November 25, 2012

Winter fun in the mountains!

Who needs snow when you have fun people around you???!!!!???!!!  :)

This was the 1st Thanksgiving my dad stayed home for whole 4 days!!!
Mom was sooo excited about it, but I didn't know why. Then I realized...
He's not leaving to go to work in the morning and is staying home to play with me!!!
We had sooo much fun together, like...
Playing up here with all these fun knobs!
Well. When mommy saw us, my dad got his ears pulled BIG TIME!!!
So, daddy, to make her laugh again, decided to start cooking...

 a specialty: Pancake-Bum, for breakfast!
Yum!  ;o)
We did all laugh, but dad got still grounded and we can't play up there anymore.

 Strolling around with my cousins, aunt and parents
Yes. Still just on wheels. I haven't yet been able to try the charriot on the skis.  :(

 My cousins taking me on a ride
Thank you guys!!!

 Lilly practicing rock-climbing: can't wait to learn from you!!!

 And can't wait to hop on the swing with you Wagner too!!!

 Lilly on the monkey-bars going up-hill

 Aaand... dooown!!!

 Wagner playing waaay up there!!!

Then, that afternoon, mommy told daddy: 
"Let's go up to Tennessee Pass and try his new sled!"
I was sooo excited to find out how to use my new fire-red vehicle and...

I really don't know if these two were drunk or if the high altitude got into their heads:
This AIN'T fun!!!
I need to talk to my granny Ratz:
She's gonna put you two goof-balls right back in line!!!
Did you even realize that I'm NOT moving on this gravel???!!!???
Would you please stop laughing and... come get me!!!

I can take a nap in my favorite place:
my sweet BabyBjorn on either one of my goofy parents' chest.
Life is good!!!

Love you all! 