June 30, 2013

Crystal City & Marble (CO)

Ma che bello il campeggio! / Having fun camping!

Imparo a soffiare i semini del tarassaco: quasi. Facevo prima scuotendoli!
Learning how to blow on the dandelion seeds: kinda. I did much better shaking them!

Quanta voglia di saltare nel fiume: pero' mamma & papa' m'hanno "recintato"!
How I'd love to jump into the river: but mom & dad "fenced" me in!

Quanto marmo qui a Marble! / Lots of marble here in Marble!

Marmo pronto per la spedizione: tra questi c'e' pure quello che rimpiazzera' il marmo danneggiato della Tomba del Milite Ignoto (Arlington, VA).
Marble ready to be shipped: within these is also the one that will replace the damaged marble of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Arlington, VA)

Il vecchio stabilimento dove scolpivano il marmo
The old marble fabricating mill site

Allungamento alla postazione del disc golf / Stretching at the disc golf post

Ma quanto siamo piccolini! / How little are we???

Cava di marmo: quel che si riesce a vedere. Ora e' di proprieta' Italiana!
Marble quarry: what we could see. Now it's owned by Italians!

Un po' di divertimento: ci sono pure caduto per la felicita' di mamma & papa'.  ;o)
Having fun: I also fell in it for mom & dad's happiness. ;o)

Parte d'arte locale / Part of local art

Ciaooo dalla nostra famigliola al Crystal Mill!!! / Ciaooo from our family at Crystal Mill!!!
(Questo e' il mulino piu' fotografato del Colorado! / The most photographed mill in Colorado!)

Hiking and more

Minturn Mile all'incontrario: da Minturn a Eagle's Nest
Hiking the Minturn Mile backwards: from Minturn to Eagle's Nest

 Pit stop: pranzo / lunch

 Ma devo fare proprio tutto IO!
Devo mostrare ai miei genitori dove andare!!! 
I gotta do it all: I have to show my parents where to go!!!

 Ma che bel fiorellino / What a beautiful flower

Un passetto qui - trallalla'! Un passetto li' - trallalli'!
Having fun walking around

La mia vettura personale #1
My personal vehicle #1

 La mia vettura personale #2
My personal vehicle #2

Eagle's Nest: finalmente posso sgranchirmi le gambe tra questi fiori!
Eagle's Nest: finally I can go for a walk between these flowers!

Faccende di casa / House chores
 Manutenzione / Maintenance

 Al lavoro! / Off to work!

Uno dei miei giocattoli preferiti / One of my favorite toys
 Voglio vedere quante cose ci posso mettere
I wanna see how many things I can fit in

 Si. Penso che basti!
Yes. I thing that will do it!

Al Mercatino di Vail / At the Vail Farmer's Market
 Mi faccio un giretto / I'm gonna go for a walk

 La cosa piu' interessante... dopo lo stand Valbruna! :)
The most interesting thing... after the Valbruna booth! :)

Giocando al nido / Playing at day-care centre
 Oooh, issaaa!!!

Ed ora... dove mi fiondo?
Ed now... where do I run to?

 Sull'altalena con la mia amichetta! / On the swing with my friend!

Si mangiaaa! / Eating time!
 Che buono sto' succo! / This juice is yummy!

No, mamma: non mi farai ridere!
No, mom: you won't make me laugh!

 Mi farai sganasciare dalle risate!!!
You'll make me pee in my pants from laughing!!!

Pompiere? / Firefighter?

Da grande faro' il pompiere come mio nonno Stojan!!!
When I grow up I'll be a firefighter like my grandpa Stojan!!!

Sorriso x il fotografo: mio papa'!
Smiling for the photographer: my dad!

June 20, 2013

Long awaited post #2: Family fun in Fruita

Before our Chicago trip, Mom & I decided that Dad needed to relax and we got him to come with us to Fruita. This time we stayed at the local campground, renting one of their cabins. Thankfully we did so, because the first night was pretty darn coooold! But we had a great time while hiking and enjoying ourselves at the camp. Mom also hoped on her road bike to do the Colorado National Monument NP loop. Mommy, you rock!!!
Taking a nap before our next adventure

Enjoying our campground in Fruita:
I loved playing with rocks, but Mom wouldn't let me eat them.
Darn it!

My Dad was thirsty after taking me for a good hike!

 Waiting for dinner with my ducky friend

 Having a ball hiking with Mom & Dad!
(I look cool, don't I???)

At least until I don't pass out.
Memo to myself:
tell Mom NOT to take these type of pics anymore!!!

I'm awake again and horsing around with my Dad

 Mom had great time biking, while Dad & I had some good guys' time

She made it!
Highest point in the park. 

Enjoying my Mom after her ride:
we loved swinging together!

 Digging my back-pack!
(Thanx to my Twins Cousins!!!)

 Hiking the Dino Hill by Fruita

 Here they dug out a whole dino and took it to the Chicago museum of Nature & Science!

Back to our truck:
what a day!