April 26, 2011

Last day of ski season Vail

Last day of the ski season and a big party at the top again

Many people at the top, even with the cloudy weather

Glen, Cindy, Sarah and Chris

Little ones getting dressed up

Chris and Glen

Lots of snow, we'll take a picture of this same sign next November

April 19, 2011

April 19th, snowmobile

Not many pictures, dumping all day. Deep out there. Went with "Walk it out" Mark. I haven't gone snowmobiling for ages. At one point when he was stuck today, he did say those famous words "I'll just walk it out".

April 14, 2011

April 14 snowmobile tour

Had a warranty issue with the M8 so after they fixed it (free of charge) I had to take it for a test spin. And because I had to get Sarah's sled out of the way in the trailer, I took that for a test spin too. Fun out there. The snow is set-up but still deep. Very smooth soft/slushy snow. Trails were untouched.

Nobody around

Nice views

Here I have the snow measuring stick out to check on the snow depth. Near a sign for Lost lake, which in the summer is way off the ground. It was 170cm, 68 inches, 5.6feet deep and I was only at 9400feet of elevation.

Piney Lake sign normally 8 feet or more high.

April 7, 2011

Peter Estin deep snow

Video of us trying to measure the snow. In some spots it was 300cm. Others around 260cm

April 6, 2011

Snow cave Minturn Colorado

April 5, 2011 snow cave

Peter Estin Trip April 4-5, 2011

Peter Estin trip April 4-5, 2011. Gordon, Jeff, Sludge, Sarah, Scott, Peter, Alan and Ratz

Group photo at end of trip

On the way in, fresh snow

Starting to load up the sleds

Too much food and gear

Mechanical problems on the way in
The luggage sled covered with snow

Finally at the hut

Alan Sandberg

Some guy named Scott

Jeff Jacobs

Sludge and Sarah measuring the snow (3 meters of snow) 120 inches deep in a few spots, 300 cm

Some guy named Pete


Some of us did some skiing up for some ski runs