April 8, 2009

Flat Tops with the MinnesOOOtans!!!

Ratz & Tsunamy posing for the camera

So. Here we go again.
The Minnesoootans came to town and we...
WENT S N O W M O B I L I N G!!!!
And, yes, skiing as well. :o)
Zach, Melanie, Justin & Benji

First they went without me to Red & White,
right away on Monday. :o(
Yep. I had to work.
At least they had another good girl (Mel) with them,
who was hopefully holding up the Cool Chicks Flag! :o)

But then on Tuesday...
We had such a great time!!!

Zach, Justin, Sarah-Tsunamy, Simone-Pierino (also Italian), Chris-Ratz and Benji-Big Brother Ratz had all of the Flat Tops pretty much to themselves. I don't remember seeing anybody else out there. Just some people in a private airplane flying super low on our heads, at a certain point. Nope. Sorry. Didn't make it to take a pic. It was just too cool to look at all the sledders in the Flat Tops' environment and this dude flying above their heads!
Lemme tell ya: It was suppper-duppper cool!!!

Our team taking a break with good MN's ham & jerkies!!!

Now... let's get to the PICTURES!
[Chris is taking a nap right now. So... we'll load his comments later on. :> ]
Zach resting

Sarah scouting out the terrain, click for full size

Justin getting in trouble
(dont cha know you're not supposed to go in tree wells???)

Chris jumping off a cliff

Simone following suit

Chris getting stuck up there...

Zach doing a wheelie

Simone getting stuck waaay up there.
(Are these two copying & over-doing each other???)

Chris doing a wheelie

Simone doing a wheelie

Benji doing a wheelie

Justin doing a wheelie

...is that possible that when I'm doing a wheelie,
there's nobody there to take a little teeny-tiny PIC???!!!???!!!

Where did the guys go??!!!!????

...let's go that way!!!

Zach's riding around

Chris takes a wrong turn

Uncle Chris giving carving points to Zach

Zach takes a break

Zach trying the new tips out,
while Simone's riding close-by

Tsunamy showing off

Simone carving

working the suspension

Benji... enjoying the panorama

Zach spraying his Camera-chick-aunty

Simone looking at the hole where he had
a good stuck...

Simone's jeep and trailer... in the hole...
a pretty muddy ditch. Ouch!
Now he IS really stuck in a good way.

Simone trying Tsunamy's way of tipping her sled back on the skis
in order to get his jeep out of the ditch, but...

Benji & Chris decided otherwise...
(ck the below movie for some "real time" show)

Justin describes the procedure, Zach laughs, Benjie is disgusted, Simone from the jeep says, "tell me when he is going to go....." as Chris starts pulling

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