June 1, 2011

Kokopelli ride - day #1 (05/28/2011)

Another crazy, COOL adventure with Cindy and the Moyers': we biked the Kokopelli trail!!!

And now some pictures of our trip...

Our mantra on this trip was
and the guys decided to be safe already in the car on the way to Loma parking.

Cindy starting on her faithful horse

Ratz has already took off... as usual.

Moyer patiently posing for the first pic

Tsunamy, still fresh, and ready to hit the trails

The Girls and the Colorado River

The guys with the Colorado in the background

Chris having a bar and watching where we're heading... to that tiny bridge down there

Moyer smiling for the camera

Is it getting though with this "caution" sign?

If Chris is walking... then there's no shame for the girls to walk too! :)

Finally on the little bridge

The bikers with their Mascot after lunch in Rabbit Valley

Riding to West Water campground from Rabbit Valley

Pretty flowers on the way

The Colorado River

Finally a group picture!!!
We're still all fresh & smiling :)

Cindy looking at the panorama and taking a break while...

the boys are horsing around & lifting weights in the middle of nowhere.
[Don't they have enough just of biking?!?]

The Girls are dreaming of a Bed & Breakfast in the desert, but it was...
a "little closed", so they went on towards the campground.

Here, our driver Mariella has already organized everything and had snack out for us too!

While Steele... well... it's always a great gift to see his smiling face after a tough ride!!! :)

The wind came in and... do you know how many people takes to feed a 3 years old in a 30+ mph wind in the middle of the desert???
All of us were there trying to shield him and we were taking turns too,
since he was pretty darn hungry today. He-he-he!!!

I'm not joking: the wind was really naaaastyyy!!!
Just look at Ratz trying to have his salad before it blew away.

Todd getting dinner ready.
Today's menu:
cesar's salad & pasta with sausages in tomato sauce - yummyyy!!!
Thank you again, Moyer's Family!!!

Chris taking a break after dinner

Cindy making him company

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