January 6, 2009

January 6, Red and White

January 6th, a little bit of fresh snow, but the snow was set-up underneath just right. Soft, but you could go anywhere. Chard, Sludge, Tsunami and Ratz were riding today.

Sarah gets stuck, into a tree. She looks for help.

Chard gets stuck
(to his waist)
Sarah makes sure everyone knows that Chard is stuck

Sludge gets stuck. He tried to plow through 4 small trees. No luck.

Ratz Gets stuck...
But this doesn't really qualify as a full stuck since it was just a problem with lack of forward momentum caused by a lack of traction.
(where was everyone to help me?)

Video of the year (so far),
Yes, Ratz is very proud of..... "the Wife"

Chard carving

A Jump

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