January 15, 2012

Cindy's 40th birthday!!!

Yesterday we celebrated our friend Cindy's 40th birthday with a good hike and awesome dinner in a great company up at the Tennessee Pass Cookhouse - WOW!!!

The hike is about a mile, but it's also above 10,000 feet... which could be a little challenging, but not that much though... it's good though to pass good time with good friends, while moving our bodies enough to "tickle" a good appetite by the time we get up there. :)
(From left: Maria, Cindy, Pat, Mark, Julie & Chris)

This was our friend Cindy's great idea to celebrate her 40th birthday and it turned out to be a big hit with the great company we were in.
ThanXXX again for inviting us to have such a great dinner with all of you!!!
I think I can say it in the name of all of us that we all had GREAT TIME!!!
(From left: Chris, Sarah, Pat, Cindy, Mark, Maria & Julie)

Cheers again Sweet C.C.!!!
To more great years together, more good hikes,
special bike rides & awesome adventures too!

Lots of love,
Sarah, Chris +1 :)
(Cindy and her hubby)

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