December 30, 2008

Flattops Dec 30

(Green comments are from Sarah)

Wonderful snowmobiling day up on the flattops December 30th. Sludge, Brendon, Chard, Peaches, Ratz and the Italian Tsunamy. We started Monday night with Tsunamy and Ratz digging out the trailer. It was buried. We shoveled for 1.5 hours. [why did Tommy go to Montana??? I missed him and the snow-blower! please come back!!!!!!!]

Tuesday was sunshine for sledding. But before we started Chris had to shovel (again!) off the snow from the top of the trailer. There was probably an additional 600 pounds of snow and it made pulling the trailer difficult.

Shoveling the roof, Brendon gives encouragement
[btw: Tom, ask Ratz about the little window on the trailer's roof]

Up the trail we saw a number of elk. Many stucks, good jumps and plenty of carving in the snow. Brendon hit a big tree well which almost buried him...
[ehm... it's been fun not being the only one rescued by Tom. ThanX Brenny!
I hope you'll come out with us more often!!! hey! I'm not kidding! I DID have a lot of fun with you too. Finally I know why Tom and Ratz like hanging out with you so much!!!]

Chard does a wheelie

Chris does a [too big of a] wheelie and...

...he rolled Tsunamy's sled(!)
[Sled-neck Chick's Lesson#1: never lend your sled to your husband! Brandon! you did much better when you tried it!!! :) ]

Chard jumping a cornice

Chris does cornice
[man! they were like kids... what one was doing... the other one did... & me? taking pics!]

The Italian Tsunamy carving while the guys take a break.
[gossshhh! how many breaks were they taking today. it was almost like being out with Italians, or maybe with German-Irish...they just kept drinking... no. no grappa, nor beer. just vitamin water to keep up with the Energizer Ratz Bunny...]

Brendon falls of snowmobile. Brendon crawls in the snow for 100 yards for 5 minutes to reach snowmobile. Once he gets to his snowmobile...... we show up to help.

Brendon falls of snowmobile. Snowmobile goes downhill without him. Sludge picks him up.
(click for full size)

(click for full size to get the full affect)
Brendon is about to plant the nose of his snowmobile 5 feet into the snow. He slams his body into the handlebars (everyone laughs...).

Brendon checking the snow after a head plant into the snow (everyone laughs)

People carving in the powder! Brendon falls off the snowmobile (again) and (everyone laughs)

Brendon hits another tree well, snowmobile rolls on top of him (Everyone laughs). [yep! there was plentiful of good red-neck (pardon!) sled-neck's laughing today!] Chard applies additional pressure to the snowmobile with his foot so Brendon can't get out. Our friend "Peaches" ponders having a snack [while Ratz... where IS Ratz when we need help?!?! He must be somewhere carving... like that day (Dec.16th Sledding) with Simo...]

Sarah posing for the camera

Sarah stuck for the camera

Stuck, "Sludge come help me"
[...since Ratz is busy taking pics to document our outing for his dad & give him one more chance to have fun making fun of me... he-he-he! ;o) ]

On the way home, all in one piece

Chatting with the groomer on our way out at the end of the day.
[I think everybody was REALLY happy to see this guy. I know I WAS!]

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