July 7, 2012

My first 4th of July weekend

How exciting!
My first 4th of July - yeeehaaawww!!! :)

I got out again with my sweet charriot, which was passed to me by my awesome Twin Cousins:
thanXXX Lilly & Wagner!!!
I'm having sooo much fun going out on the trails with mom & dad!!!

Here's my dad driving me back home after our walk.
It makes me sleep sooo gooood, with all the movement!!!

I've also attended my first 2 4th of July BBQs!
One was at the Moyers' home: between the yummy food and the entertainment of theirs, plus many other kids... mom completely forgot taking pictures. Oh, well. I guess we'll have to get together again to do so. I can't wait to see them all again!  :)

And then we went to visit my little buddy Beckett, who was born before me (yes, I know, I took my sweet time.). I got the chance to get to know his parents and his dog, but he... well... we'll have to get together again, since he slept the whole time. Good for him! :o)

After all the above outings, all three of us were very tired, so my parents and I slept in on the 4th and almost missed the parade in Vail Village! Luckily, mom & dad decided to hurry up at the last moment after feeding me and I got the chance to attend my 1st 4th of July Parade!!!

Here we are together with Elisa and her daughters Nina Bella and Teresa.
They are sooo much fun: they couldn't stop playing with the balloons, and chasing candies and necklaces that people were giving away and,
Teresina... she would just walk to anybody she had the whim to talk to. He-he! She's too cute!!!

I don't know if you could see it, but there is a... SNOWMOBILE!!!
Well, ok. Maybe we should call it a street-mobile, since it had wheels instead of skis, but anyway:
this is what mom & dad are crazy for. I'm wondering when I'll be able to see the real thing now!

This is me playing with mom's 4th of July necklace.
Yep, I'm starting being a little sleepy.

Big yaaawn!

My American Aunt Holly (all the way to the right), my parents and Holly's sister Gail with her hubby Bob. They are all sooo much fun!!!

Holly with Elisa and My Girls.

Oh! Here, I'm starting cooing back to my mom & dad:
we all laugh (them) and smile (me!) a lot.  :)

Mom and I wanted to get all the way to the Two Elk trailhead here, but... after yesterday's big thunderstorm, a river of mud came down from the nearby cliffs and we couldn't cross it. Therefore, we just turned back and walked all the way to the other end of town. Not bad of a walk anyway.

The remains of the muddy river.

Hey! I'm trying to sleep here, in my pack'n'play!

Well. I wasn't comfy enough there and kept waking up, so... my mom decided we would camp out in our living room.
I had sooo much fun that I fell asleep right away.
Yes, grandma Ratz: I've already camped out!!! 
(Since you were wondering when my parents would take me camping. He-he!)

Man! I guess mom was just too concentrate to take the pic here
that she forgot to smile!
But we did have fun hiking on the railroad with the baby Bjorn carrier.
I just can't wait to be able to be in the sun...
it's sooo hot in here!

Ciao till the next time!!!

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